Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Our future Musician!

A couple weeks ago as we were getting ready for bed I found myself once again singing to Ali's tummy trying to get our baby boy to stop kicking and moving around... which surprisingly works. Usually I sing nursery rhymes or the occasional tune from my childhood, I received a request to sing a primary song. As I busted out on I Am a Child of God our boy began rocking out which startled us because I have never seen such a visible response! We enjoy feeling those kicks on a daily basis but for a moment I felt a connection that gave me such happiness. Moments like this make me realize how excited I am, it's going to be difficult but we're up for the challenge! We're only a few weeks away from welcoming the newest cool kid on the block!

1 comment:

  1. that's cool! I remember when my little one clearly rocked out on beat to YMCA at a baseball game. lol.
    You'll be a great dad!
